World’s first handheld smoothness training app.
Measures and compares the smoothness of any activity.
For any activity -- smoothness increases speed and efficiency for greater performance.
Smoothness of activity reduces energy consumption and lowers fuel costs.
( Works like a stopwatch. )
Press START, then perform any activity, press STOP.
Press START and repeat the activity, press STOP.
It shows which was smoothest, your first trial or second.
Press START then drive your car around the block, press STOP.
Press START, let your significant other drive around the block, press STOP.
Which one is the smoothest driver? Smoothometer tells you.
Do it with each others car or bicycle to see who has the smoothest ride or who rides the smoothest.
* Measures and compares smoothness of any activity causing motion or vibration, such as athletic, vehicular, industrial, personal, or military.
* Measures and compares smoothness of human OR machine activity.
* Instantly determines which of a set of trial activities was the smoothest.
* Measures the time of each trial.
* Athletic workouts, training sets, practice -- increases fitness and performance.
Smooth your tennis serve to perfection.
Who does smoother push-ups, you or your friends?
How smooth are you at the driving range?
* Machine operation, vehicular run, driver training -- reduces fuel costs.
Which of your drivers is smoothest, saving the most fuel?
Which machine is least smooth, in need of maintenance?
* Warfighter training exercises -- SLOW IS SMOOTH, SMOOTH IS FAST.
Who can re-assemble his rifle smoothest? Who is smoothest at rapid firing? Who is smoothest running a mile with full pack? Smoothness increases endurance.
* Physical rehabilitation -- stimulates and encourages by showing immediate improvement.
Use Smoothometer for training smoothest activities.
Get smoother!
Smoothometer LITE v1.0
Copyright 2010 by The Software Factory, Inc. – patent pending